Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thoughts on Faith

I adore Anne Lamott’s writing.  She’s gutsy, clear, unashamed, and she tells truth.  I recently read something incredible that Anne wrote, “Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns.”

That statement is so totally true that I was “taken aback” by her insight.

We do first need to see the mess.

We do need to sit with our emptiness.

That makes us realize we NEED God.

Then we discover our discomfort.  If we do NOT discover our discomfort, we will NOT change.  Change is so difficult that we have to be convinced that we will continue to grow more and MORE uncomfortable unless we change.  We have to be like a tiger backed into a corner before we will change. 

That’s why we have to let it be uncomfortable for a good while.

At that point, because we have felt and experienced our discomfort, we look for a solution.  We decide to act.  We turn TO God. 

Then we see…


God must think, “Aren’t these funny creatures? I was here all along but they can’t see me until they get to the point where they are miserable.” 

Too bad we don’t turn to God when we first notice the mess.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Making Space

A journey of faith is warm and wonderful, and sometimes scary.  Why scary?  Because growing in faith means we need to risk letting go of old habits.  We have to let go in order to make room for new growth in our hearts.

I call it "making space".

As we let go of old habits, we make space so God can move in with more of His love.

The problem is, anytime we let go of a comfortable habit we experience loss.  Replacing that with God's love will feel a little different at first, but when we relax and let God's Spirit take root we begin experiencing the warm and wonderful feeling that God's love offers.

What's remarkable about this journey is that God's love is not fleeting, or temporary.

It's eternal.

Kingdom stuff.


Friday, October 26, 2012


This week I’ve been filled with a sense of gratitude for my life.
It kinda started when my oldest child (my only daughter) turned 36.  I started realizing how very grateful I am that she’s part of my life. 
Then I remembered all the funny stuff we’ve gone through with “the boys”.  After I had my daughter I was sure I would have another girl (because all of my friends had all girls).  I decided I was going to dress them alike they would be really close.  Instead, I had a boy – which was cool.  Then I had another boy and another.  All of that was really cool, but as the boys grew up I realized sometimes it was “us” against “them”. 
My sons are VERY creative.  I’m talking V-E-R-Y and because there were three of them they were everywhere.  What one couldn’t figure out how to do, three COULD!
My daughter was a great help to me when it came to:
1)      Knowing where they were
2)      Knowing if what they were doing was dangerous to themselves or to others
3)      Knowing if their most recent fight involved blood (I had a no blood rule)
4)      Knowing if they were getting ready to “blow something up”
No, I am NOT making this up. 
This is real.
This is life.
Looking back, I realized this week how grateful I am for all of the escapades…fun…adventure. 
God certainly knew what he was doing when he sent me a daughter, then three sons.
God is GOOD.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Breathing at the Door

I have four grown children, all very inquisitive and bright.  All totally active and busy all the time. I was constantly torn in four different directions and most of the time I was playing referee more than I was being mom.  I remember getting really tired of deciding who was right and who was wrong...

Sometimes when they were really small I just needed a moment's peace.

I would escape.

Usually to the bathroom (because there was a lock on the door).

I did not announce I was going to the bathroom to pray, I would just slip away and quietly step into the quiet.

Invariably within minutes I would hear heavy breathing on the other side of the door. Then, more heavy breathing.  Eventually I would hear a cacophony of heavy breathing.

 If I took too long, I would usually hear one of them say, "you prayin' Mom?"

Sign.  "Yes".

"Can we come in?"

So, here's the dilemma.  How do you tell your children they can't pray?

All right...come on in.  I loved praying with them, but usually within minutes someone would punch someone else and I would be back to playing referee.

Such is life.

Moments, or seconds count.

Here's the thing.  Both moments are important - moments praying and moments with my kids.

Even while I was playing referee.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just a Smile Away

I had a great day at work today!

I've been struggling trying to learn how to do something very complex and detail oriented for some time and today I felt like I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.  That doesn't mean I have mastered it, but I finally started to see (and remember) the patterns and trends so I can speed up the process and complete the tasks in a timely manner.

When the light bulb went off, I was a little surprised how happy I was; that tells me how stressed I've been about learning this process.

As I walked down the hallway at work, my step was a little lighter.  I also found myself smiling without effort.  The result of my smile was instantaneous.  As I smiled, others not only smiled back, they looked at me as if they were thinking, "why is SHE so happy at work?"

Granted, sometimes it's difficult to be happy when we're under a lot of stress (and very few people I know don't have stress at work), but until today I had never noticed how few people really smile.  I was also reminded that a smile prompts a smile.

A smile is just a smile away when you smile.  It's a chain reaction thing...easy for you to share and it brings a great reward!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


My kids and I have a custom that's gone on for a long time now.  We regularly compete to find the most humorous card for birthdays, holidays, and especially Mother's Day.

It's gone on long enough that when someone has a birthday we all want to see the cards they got.  Part of what's interesting about the competition is that it has become a family tradition and something we look forward to.  It's about one of our favorite part of holidays!

Who'd thought greeting cards can bring so much laughter?

Go figure...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I love Pooh and Piglet, and Tigger, too.


“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.” 

Those are the best moments on the journey...when we take someone's hand and we feel sure we're okay.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Sometimes our journey is fun and exciting and sometimes not so much...

When that happens it's usually a sign that we need to slow down and take it easy, maybe even spend some time alone with God.  Sometimes I think when I feel under the weather God uses that time to produce really good fruit in me.  It gives me a chance to take it easy, listen more, and realize how much God's love means to me.

Invariably when I take time to listen I am blessed beyond measure.  The quiet times have increasingly become the best part of the journey.

Fun and exciting aren't as important as they used to be.  It's still good once in a while, but more and more quiet is a great part of the journey of life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Sons

I have three grown sons and when I look back 20 years there were times I felt a little overwhelmed.  We had fun, and laughed a lot, but they were very gutsy and were full of surprises.

Now, the thing I love the most about them (then and now) is that they told me exactly what they thought.  What's great is that they almost always left me laughing.  Even when I was trying to tell them they shouldn't be doing something, I ended up laughing so hard I could hardly talk.  Some people would say I should have had more control and that I shouldn't have laughed.

I don't agree.

Those are the times I remember best.

The laughter.

The surprises.

The intrigue.

It's real life.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I once had a beautiful party color cocker spaniel named Moses.

Now, Moses was the happiest dog I've ever known.  Moses loved people, loved to be petted.  Moses brought me great joy because when I would come home from work he was always so happy to see me.

He would run in circles, wag his tail, pant, and bring his toys.

He welcomed me home.

I loved it that he wanted to see me.

Sometimes we just need someone (even if it's our pet) to welcome us home and make us feel wanted and needed.

Loving someone, and letting them know you love them makes the moments of life worth living.

I'll always remember those moments with Moses...moments of glee and charming affection.  What moments do you remember?

Monday, August 27, 2012


There is a state park not far from where I live and it's one of my favorite places on the planet.  I love going there to walk and enjoy the good things God created in nature.  Several years ago while in Colorado on vacation I decided I loved the pine trees and I wanted to grow my own pine trees from seeds.  I took Botany in college, so I dug out my old books and started to read how to sprout a seed to grow a tree.  I was excited about growing my own tree.

Turns out it was a lot harder than I thought.  I gave up after five or six tries, but in the course of the activity I came to realize what a miracle it is that God created a wonderful "system" so trees would produce seeds that would sprout new trees.

God's goodness comes to us in unexpected ways. Now when I look at trees I see miracles all around me. If my experiment had not failed I might not have realized what a miracle a new tree is for us.  I also came to realize that I love to walk in the woods, smell the trees, and see God's goodness all around.

What "goodness" has God brought to your life recently?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Suffice it to say...

Being loved is an incredible blessing.  There's nothing quite like feeling like we are loved and cared for because we feel safe and secure in that person.

It's hard for me to imagine that there are people on the planet who have never experienced that kind of safety.  There are people who are not secure in knowing that someone loves them.

I think of a young woman who has been taken from her home and sold into slavery...

I think of a young child who doesn't know who her father is and her mother has died of aides...

I think of an elderly man who is dying alone in a hospital bed...

I think of a poor forgotten homeless woman who is dying from starvation and has no-one to care for her...

Thinking of all of those people reminds me I am called to care, called to love, called to do what I can to tell others to reach out and love the world around us with the love of Jesus.

You may not be called to fight against human traffiking, or to go to Africa to help orphans who are left alone.  You may not be called to do hospital visits or to seekout the homeless to touch them with God's love.  You are, however, called to love the people in your world. 

However you are called, faithfully love...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Naked Ladies

One of my favorite things about the month of August is naked ladies.

Now, I am NOT talking about women nude at the beach.  I'm talking about a beautiful flower that my Grandmother Ireland had in her yard.

They came up out of nowhere for my birthday every year the first week of August.  They are the most beautiful pink delicate flowers I've every seen.  For years I thought they were just for me because they came out for my birthday.

I also remember them because my Gramma actually said the word "naked".  I thought that was funny.

Sure didn't take much to entertain me.  Come to think of it, I still like little surprises that God sends!

Monday, August 20, 2012


My dad loved to pray and I remember watching him when he was quiet and wondering what he was praying about.  As I got older I would ask him questions about praying.  He talked about experiencing God's peace and love.  He also talked about miracles.  He believed (as do I) that when we ask, God answers.

I used to get frustrated that I would pray and didn't get a miracle.  When I would ask my dad why nothing happened he would say, "It did need to see it".

For years I didn't know what that meant.  I came to realize that every time I pray God shows up.  I now know that there are miracles all around us, I just need to listen, watch, and feel.

Miracles are there - today - right in front of you.

Ask, and see what God has done!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where is God?

I taught my kids that God is everywhere, all the time.  I wanted them to know that no matter what happens to them, God is present and even though they cannot see Him, God is there. 
When my middle son was three years old (because he was third born), he had heard numerous times that God is everywhere and that God is WITH him.  One Thanksgiving, just after he turned three we went to a community-side church service.  People from all over our town came…Methodists, Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians, etc., and the pastors all wore their traditional attire for the service.  The pastors would rotate for community services who would share scripture, who would preach, who would do offering, and who would host. 
For that particular holiday, the pastor from the Disciples of Christ Church was preaching and he wore his black robe.  He was a tall man, and he wore a long black velvet stole.  As he walked toward us to greet us, I noticed my son had his mouth open and his eyes were as big as saucers.  I wasn’t sure what was going on, so I stepped a little closer to him as I greeted the pastor.  After the pastor shook my hand, he turned and walked to another family.  When I looked down at my son (whose eyes were still wide open), he whispered, “Mom!  God IS everywhere…he’s right here.”
While I was trying really hard not to laugh and thinking how to explain to my son that God IS everywhere, but the man in the black robe was NOT God, my oldest son poked him and said, “Where’d you get that idea? That’s not God, it’s just another pastor.” 
I started to explain to my young three year old that yes, it was a pastor but that God is everywhere. When he said to his brother,  “IS TOO! God is here.” 
Okay, with that, I decided to let it go.  God is here was quite good enough for me. 

P.S. Of course, in time my son did figure out the man in black was a pastor and he probably didn’t remember the encounter that day.  What he did remember is that God is Everywhere.  It just doesn’t get better than that.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


There were times on my journey through Motherhood that I felt like I was overwhelmed.  Some days I was tired of wash that didn’t seem to end and other days I was overwhelmed with constant bickering:
Mom, he hit me
Mom, he took my truck
Mom, he stole my cookie
Mom, she keeps telling me what to do
Mom, he LOOKED at me
(Looking at me was always one of my personal favorites!)

Parenting is without a doubt the most difficult thing I’ve done, and also the most rewarding.  Even though I felt exasperated, overwhelmed, unprepared, and totally feeling incapable of doing a good job, it turned out quite okay.  My best advice for young parents is:
Love them more
Give hugs freely
Talk to your children (regularly)
Validate their feelings
And most of all PRAY for them daily.  Pray for them today, tomorrow, and for their future.
Pray that they will BE who God intended them to BE.
Those are the things that REALLY count.  The bickering falls away…the laundry gets done…they DO stop hitting…they learn to share cookies and toys…they stop telling each other what they SHOULD do…and best of all they learn to LOOK at each other.
: )

Monday, August 13, 2012

Journey of the people of the Way

The people of the Way, as the early believers were known, wasn't an easy road.  They were heavily persecuted by the Romans, they practiced loving everyone and because of that they regularly visited the sick and dying, caring for them, bringing them food and water, cleaning them as they laid in their beds.

The early Christians risked their lives taking care of people who had plague.  So, in addition to being stalked by the Romans, they were regularly exposed to disease and death all around.

Interestingly enough, their journey often led them to scatter throughout the Roman Empire and as they scattered they loved and cared for others as they went and they became known as the people of The Way who love everyone.  People knew they loved enough to risk their lives to help others.

The combination of the persecution and disease are the very things that spread the good news of the love of Jesus throughout the empire and the world.  The worst of conditions brought a great result.

As Paul said in Romans 8:28, "all things work together for good."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

True Friends

Through the years my definition of true friendship has changed.

When I was in kindergarten someone was a true friend if they sat with me at lunch and didn't push me down on the playground.

By 6th grade someone was my true friend if they didn't make me hold a snake! (I had that happen, and right then and there I decided that was an important characteristic).

By 10th grade someone was my true friend if they didn't steal my boyfriend.

By college the measure of a true friend was that they didn't "rat" me out.

By the time I had kids someone was a true friend if they could tolerate my four kids (not an easy thing to do some days).

By the time I had several teenagers running around the house I considered someone to be a true friend if they consoled me for "having it out" with one of my teenagers and they didn't judge me.  (In other words, they understood I was at the end of my rope).

When I divorced I found out the measure of a true friend was someone who loved me even though I wasn't married, had lost my new 2200 square foot house, and had very little money in the bank (friends in those days were few and far between, but there were a few who remained true).


Now I consider someone to be a true friend if they love me and forgive me no matter what.  That means, when I make stupid decisions they love me.  When I screw up they forgive me.  When I fall apart they hold me.

The one thing that has remained is that the measure of a true friend is that they are faithful.  At different stages and in different ways, I needed someone who is faithful.

What I hope is that I have been that to many of you.

Thanks for being there and being who you are!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cardboard Boxes

When my oldest three kids were little (the oldest three were born in three years) we used to play a lot.  One of their favorite things to do was to play "train" using a cardboard box.  They would all pile into the box, smallest in front and I would push them around the house.  We would make train noises an they would giggle and scream.  Sometimes I would turn a sharp corner and they would lean so far out that they would tump over.  Then they would scream, jump, and run back to the box shouting, "more, mommy!"

We loved to play and we did it a lot.  

I did try to get some work done, but as soon as I would get one room straightened another would be demolished.  Once, someone came by our house unexpectedly and she was so surprised by the mess that I was embarrassed.  I vowed to be a better mom and keep the house cleaner.  Fortunately, after a few weeks we got to playing again and I forgot about my vow to keep a perfectly clean house.

Today I would do things quite differently.  

I would invite the guest to join in the game. 

I would do a lot more with cardboard boxes, like building forts and tunnels.  

In other words, I would relax and focus more on playtime and less on what NEEDED to be done (according to the world's standards).  

When young mothers ask me what I did right I tell them I played, prayed, and gave out a lot of hugs.

When asked what I would change, I reply that I would love more freely, play like there's no tomorrow, pray out loud (instead of to myself), and hug all the time.  Oh, and for Christmas I would get them a good supply of cardboard boxes.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Gift

I don't know who created art, but it was a genius idea, and was definitely blessed by God.

I did not have a good day at work, but I spent the night playing with scissors, glue, glitter, pictures, wire, rocks, wood and paint.

Not only was it great was a gift.

A gift of healing.  

Monday, August 6, 2012

What a Journey we are ON

I've written about my vacation escapades with my kids, and about the fact that every vacation it seemed like some new "event" occurred.  Whether it was burning cars, flooded tents, unexpected illnesses, or burned camping food, we always had something happen.

Interestingly enough, those are now our best memories.  One summer we headed to the east coast with New York City as our final destination.  We planned and dreamed of going to New York, Philly, DC, and exploring parts of Virginia.  We rented a pull behind camper that was surprisingly reasonable for a camper that slept 6 (with two dogs).

I should have known we were off to a bad start when we picked up the camper.  Looking at the outside I exclaimed, "Six?  Where?"  In all my life, I'd never seen a camper so small.  Well, after a little creative thinking (stacking) and re-arranging, we figured out where everyone would sleep.  I told the kids, "It'll be FUN, you'll see."

Off we went from the mid-west toward the east coast.

When we traveled I had a system set up for making sure we had enough money to survive while we still ate food that had nutritional value.  Breakfast usually consisted of cereal, fruit, and milk.  Lunch was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (my personal fav), chips, cookies, and milk.  We ate dinner out, which sometimes was Mickey D's, but even that wasn't cheap as much as the boys ate.  We got used to the cramped quarters, stale bread, lack of variety, and barking dogs and for the most part everything was going fine.

Then my oldest son got sick...really sick.  He was never sick (ever) and so it hit him like a train.  He had a fever of 104 and was weezy, couldn't breathe, and was miserable.  Because he had never really been sick (and he was around 11 years old), he turned out to be a bit of a problem.  He refused to eat or drink anything and he wouldn't talk to anyone.  He barely let me take his temperature.  By the time we got to Gettysburg, PA and found a drugstore, he was looking really bad.  The druggist called doc back home and we started him on antibiotics and various other medicines.

He still wouldn't eat.

So, in order to get him to eat I started asking, "will you eat soup or drink soda?"

"Will you eat crackers?"

"Will you drink juice?"

Nothing worked.  I couldn't get him to eat or drink anything.  Finally, I asked, "will you drink a shake?"  He said, "yes" and we headed to Mickey's to get him a vanilla shake.

Well, naturally everyone in the car wanted a shake.  I explained that we had food for everyone but not enough money for all of them to have shakes.  Suddenly, their mild concern for their sibling turned into massive contempt.  Someone shouted, "he's fakin' you know!"

I took up for my sick son, but by that time it was too late.  The crowd was out of control and about every five minutes someone would mumble, "he's fakin'".

For the rest of the trip my oldest son had a regular diet of vanilla shakes.  That was all he had, but I was glad we were getting something in his stomach!  

Slowly my son did recover.  We saw a lot of sights, the Capitol, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, President's homes in Virginia, and the beach, but through it all, the other kids continued to mumble, "he's fakin'".

It got so bad that I was rolling my eyes...

Well, I wish I could say that my kids learned a great lesson in caring for their brother while he was ill.  It would be nice if I could share a great story about how they prayed for their brother on that vacation.  I know I prayed a lot because I was scared about how ill he really was and I suggested several times that they pray.  All I heard was "H-U-M".  In the end all I can say is that we survived.  I really felt like they thought it was a horrible trip because they didn't get to have a regular diet of vanilla shakes.

So, here's the funny thing.  Through the years, one thing has remained...the memory of those vanilla shakes.  Now when we talk about "fakin'" everyone KNOWS what that refers to, and how it came about.  "He's fakin'" became the tie that binds us together (in God) and makes us family.  "He's fakin'" became our motto and forever part of our memory.  They barely remember seeing the Statue of Liberty, but they sure remember watchin' their brother drink yet another vanilla shake.  Today, they all still mumble, "he WAS fakin'" and we laugh outloud.

"He's fakin'" BECAME such a part of who we are and that IS a gift!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


When I was little (well, littlier) I remember not knowing what to do next and getting confused about which way to go at school, or when playing outside at home.  It's never taken a lot to get me confused (still doesn't).  I think that's why it means so much to me when someone understands me and takes time to connect and take time to help.

When I was in high school my best friend was almost polar opposite of me.  She was tall, slender and athletic. She disliked English, Spanish, history, but loved gym class and did pretty well in business math classes.

I was short, never slender, and was never an athlete. I loved English, Drama, Speech, Debate, Spanish and history.  I was never good at math and my worse grade (by far) was always in Gym class.
I don't know how two people who were so different found each other, but when we met at the beginning of our first year of high school we became instant friends.  As the years wore on, we came to understand each other and we supported each other.

I helped her in English and she pulled me through Gym class.  I understood that writing term papers was difficult for her and I tried to find ways to help her utilize her skills as she wrote.  She understood that pull-ups were grueling for me and she worked with me to help me meet the minimum requirement.

Looking back, it was a great blessing to have someone in my life who knew me, understood, and helped carry me through.

She understood when I was lost, scared, and confused.  I think that's what I love most about Jesus.  I don't really have to tell Him when I'm lost because there's never a time when He doesn't see me (Pslam 139) and if I am scared He is right there (Psalm 23).  My confusion is never too much for Him (Proverbs 3:5-6); God is trustworthy.

God knows YOU and loves you...He understands everything about you.  Take a few minutes to let that sink in.  Rest in the thought that God knows you and understands.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

For as Long as it Takes

Fasting is an interesting practice and part of my Christian journey.  I’ve done many different kinds of food fasts, but until recently I haven’t experienced very many other kinds of fasts. 
Several years ago however, my Spiritual Director challenged me to “fast” from books. 
Yes, you read it right…books.
I asked my Spiritual Director “for how long?”  and he responded, “for as long as it takes.”
Now that might be easy for some people, but for me it was worse than telling me I couldn’t have water.  I was immediately agitated, irritated, and upset.  I kept trying to play mind games with myself and tell myself I didn’t want to read.  After about 24 hours I found myself clutching a book saying, “what’s one page? I could just read one page and that won’t hurt, right?”
After 4 weeks I realized I was hearing God more clearly, and after six weeks I knew I was practicing quieting my mind so I could hear.  Peace was ever so close. 

I eventually did return to reading, but the exercise taught me how to quiet my mind so God could speak clearly.
There are other fasts that help to quiet the mind and those include:
Fasting from cell phone
Fasting from all electronics
Fasting from television, radio, and media
Fasting from talking
Pretty much, anything you depend on and habitually practice is a good candidate for your fast.
One thing I know for sure – seeking God and God alone reaps a generous reward. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


In Philippians 3:9 (The Message) Paul refers to "robust righteousness" and he reminds us that relying on God is very different from relying on the world. There's absolutely nothing wimpy about relying on God! That's because when we rely on God's rightness we are relying on the full panoramic view of the Universe and not on our view that stops at the horizon.

God's plan for you is robust and full. God's greatest desire is that you would be restored to Him, fully alive and fully absorbed in His righteousness.

Abundant. Full of His love. Satisfied and at peace. Robust.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Who Made God?

One of my sons, when he was a young pre-schooler continually asked the same question day in and day out.  At the time I remembered thinking, "just give it a rest".  I was frustrated because I didn't know how to answer him.

His question?   Who made God.

Who made God?  Mom, Who Made God?  Who MADE God?  Who made GOD?  WHO made God?

It took years of experience (and Seminary) for me to be able to answer the question.  Who made God?

And the answer?  No one and nothing, all and everything, from beginning or end, God's love continuously creates, restores, and desires to draw creation toward His love.  Only God creates, through the Son and by the power of His Spirit.

I AM. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

One Sweet Journey

I got to spend the day yesterday with all of my grandkids...what a treat that was!  I love watching them play with each other, talk to each other, and just have fun!

It reminded me that each moment is a blessing!

Laughter is a gift!

Life is one sweet journey...

Monday, July 2, 2012

God is always there...

We all have days when it’s really easy to talk to God (what the Irish call ‘thin spaces’) and other days when it seems really difficult.
I used to think God was more open to me some days than others.  I’ve learn that is not the case.  I am the one who gets ‘sludgy’.  The cause is usually caused by:
Lack of forgiveness on my part
Self-centeredness on my part

That’s not to say our relationship with God is dependent on my actions – my relationship remains in tack and solid.  The only difference is my ability to hear God. 
God is always there.
Always nearer than you think.
Always acting on your behalf. 

God does not force you to hear – you (we) are given grace even in through non-hearing.
Either way you look at it, grace is yours. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What we can count on...

My youngest son and his wife and bee planning, preparing for months to move into their new home...the first home they own.  They've planned, scanned, waited, and prepared and two days ago they signed final papers and became homeowners in:    Colorado Springs

Yea, right in the middle of a raging fire - not in their neighborhood yet, but they never dreamed the fire would spread like it has.

We're reminded that on our journey we don't often know what lies ahead.  What we do know is that God has gone ahead of us, is in the moment with us, and is ever present with us after.

God is, what we can count on...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The stories of our lives contain healing, especially to others who are hurting and aren't sure they will ever be okay.  That's why as difficult as it is to be vulnerable and to share, it helps others to realize they aren't alone.

We stand with them.

We love them enough to openly share.

As we share a bond is formed and the love we share brings healing.  It's not the sharing that actually helps to facilitate healing, it's God's love.

In the middle of the stories of our lives, we find God's great love.

Have you told your story lately?  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Driver

I have a painting circulating in my brain.  The word that keeps rolling around is Adonai.  Lord.

The Lord.

My Lord.

The driver in my journey.

Who is the driver for your trip?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Right Direction

On our journey we often learn unexpected things about ourselves along the way.  What surprises me is that the things I learn are often things I don't expect to learn.

In other words, sometimes I keep trying to be really nice to someone and God is telling me (almost screaming) to stand my ground.  I'm not implying that God is telling me to be rude, but He is telling me that on my journey, it's time for me to realize who I am and BE that person.

Life is a journey...not always easy, but certainly interesting.

I'm glad God is here to point me in the right direction.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Journey of Hope

The journey began with a dinner among friends. They had a good time and after dinner they went outside to sit quietly.  Most of the friends fell asleep, only one remained awake.  Later, others came and broke up the party, taking one of the friends away.

Long story short, the next part of the journey was like a nightmare.  The man was arrested and separated from his friends.  After a long night, the man took a long walk with a crowd looking on, and he was eventually murdered with the crowd looking on.  All of this friends were devastated that the one they loved was dead.  All of their hope was gone.  They scattered, not knowing what to think.

For three days they languished and wondered how they would face life without their friend.  On the morning of the third day, their friend showed back up.  They were confused because he was dead and now he was alive.

They were alive.

They had hope because he was alive.

They didn't know it but because he died, they would live forever.  He gave them hope for all eternity.

The resurrection was the hope that changed the world.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Making Space

We are so good at working and doing that we often forget to receive God's abundance. 

Look back over your day, your journey, and consider not what you did or performed or how hard you worked, but instead think about how often you made space for God so He could pour abundance into you. 

Practicing letting God pour into you will change (transform - read Romans 12:2) how you do, play, your time.

Keep a journal record of the times you made space for God and what you experienced. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Experience God

I once had a dog that made me really happy.  His name should have been happy, because he was always chipper and running around (especially as a pup).  I remember one Sunday afternoon  when he was a pup and he spotted a rabbit in the backyard.  He decided he was going to "get" that rabbit.

Turns out he wasn't fast enough, but watching the chase was very entertaining.  I laughed and cheered him on (knowing at the same time he would probably not be able to catch the rabbit).

Find something in God's creation, something very simple that makes you smile today.  Spend time with that feeling and let yourself experience God.  Remember the process of experiencing God is the most important part of the journey.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Surprise Journey

I've had an interesting journey for the past 7 years.

It's been filled with tragedy, loss, re-building, discovery, surrender, learning, hope, love,and peace.

Using one word descriptions, how would you describe your journey with God for the last 7 years?

Do you see a pattern that tells you how God is healing, caring, and transforming you?

Take time to explore how God is leading you.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Brothers Journey

Two of my sons were like twins who aren't twins when they were growing up (and a little bit like that even now).  They had their own communication system, their own language, their own schedules. 

They were always coming up with some new thing to create,build, or tear down.  Other people in town used to tell me about their escapades. 


At the time, I wasn't so sure I wanted to hear them.  "Oh, my, what HAVE they done?" 

The good news is that they turned out to be very bright, creative men, and now we can look back an laugh about some of their ideas.

Well most...


Monday, June 11, 2012

The Journey

Traveling with children can be ever so challenging.  The old saying, "are we there yet?" is more true than we can describe.

I used to tell my kids, "we'll be there when we get there".  Since they didn't know how far 100 miles was or how long an hour really was, it was pointless to try to explain it. 

Often that's what God tells us..."we'll be there when we get there", because even if He told us exactly when and how and where it was going to happen, we wouldn't have the context we need to understand.

Isaiah 55:9 reminds us that God's ways are higher than our ways.  So, let it be so.  Let God be God.  Give HIM control of the journey.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Too Much Too Often

Some days I feel like I get a lot done at work and other days I don't think I get much accomplished.  Interestingly enough, it's really just a matter of perspective.  When I get right down to it, I usually get a lot accomplished but if I am working on projects that require attention to detail that don't have measurable results, I don't feel like I am getting a lot done.

I've also noticed that if we are relaxed and laughing I don't feel like I am getting a lot done.  In reality if I measured it I think I'd find I get MORE done.

More is less.  Less is more.  Relaxing and letting God be in charge is the only response that can make a difference when I have too much too often.  I am constantly reminded that God is bigger than any of my problems. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I've been looking at making some changes in my life and the process has involved a lot of praying and decision making. Part of what makes that difficult (and strenuous) is that I do not like making decisions. The other part that makes it difficult is that no-one else can make the decision for me, or even really advise me what to decide.

God is the one who knows, can direct me to the right path, and prepare me for the changes.

I need to ask.



And since there are no telegrams from heaven...


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Out of Your Zone...

I have a poster that begins with "This is your life.  Find a passion and pursue it."

It reminds me that it's our passions, our dreaming that sets us apart.

What are you passionate about?  Have you explored what your passion would look like?
I encourage you to write about your passion, write about it.  Pick one thing that will help you to connect to your passion, set a time frame (a week) and start living the dream.

Blessings - blessings for stepping out in faith and exploring doing something outside of yourself.

You won't be disappointed!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tired or TIRED!

I took last week off from blog writing, not because I wanted to, but because I was writing an exegesis paper and I had to get it finished!

Some of you may know what an exegesis is, but in case you don't, you look at scripture from many different ways (critical tools) and analyze what the original author is saying to the original reader.  I love doing it, but it is very exhausting.

Do you know what I'm talking about?

Being tired is one thing, but this is tired to the core - deep thinking tired.

I find that when I'm studying scripture in this way that I push myself really hard to listen, think, and see what God intended the passage to BE.

By the time I finally finished, I was so tired I could hardly think.

I am most grateful that God speaks throughout the whole process, but also that after it's complete God restores and strengthens me.

God helps me "get" there, and helps me come back.

It's a win-win.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

God Gives

Psalm 23:1 says because the Lord is our Shepherd, we have all that we need.

All we need is in God. 

Do you need something?  You'll find the answer IN God. 

God gives and we receive. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Talking to Papa is more about the state of your heart that about what words you want to say.  When you lay your head on Papa’s chest and you put your hand on His heart, you let Him touch your heart.  When you do that you are inviting Him see what you are feeling and what’s important to you.  There’s also a moment of surrender that is involved…that if you ask for anything that isn’t “of” him, you are willing to let that fall away.  You come to realize that if Papa says ‘no’ it’s because He has something better for you.

It’s always about what is best for you.  Papa knows best.  

When you hurt, crawl into Papa’s lap – put your hand on his heart. 

When you are so happy you think you’ll burst, jump into Papa’s lap and share that with Him as well.

Put your hand on Papa’s heart…invite Him to touch your heart.  It changes everything.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Relax, Receive, Realize

Sometimes the most difficult task of all is to "stop striving" and relax. 

I am learning to dance...west coast swing to be precise, and more than one partner has said to me, "you're over-thinking this - just listen to the music".

I think, "what do you mean I'm over-thinking?"  Then I think some more.


Okay, so I get it.  I just need to relax and enjoy the ride.

Sometimes I think that's what God wants more than anything for me.  Just relax, receive, and realize His love.

How about you?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Darkness and Light

The darkest times in my life have in many ways been the most illuminating.  It strange that when I've been in the middle of a really dark time, I feel like I am surrounded with darkness and there's no way out, except...I wasn't really in the dark and there was a way.  I just wasn't able to see it at the time.

When I look back, I can see the light.

The darkness helped me to know the difference between the dark and the light.  If I hadn't known the darkness, I would not be so aware of the light.  I would also not appreciate the light as much as I do.

I would not have been able to see the bright tones of the light. 

Being in darkness made me appreciate the light. 

Love the light.

Seek the light.

Turn TO the light.


Thursday, May 17, 2012


I remember the time I danced.  It was with my dad, and he was a great dancer.

There were steps I couldn't get right, and there were times I had no idea what I was doing, but none of that mattered.  I thought it was cool that I was learning to dance.

Since that time my life took another turn and I haven't danced, that is till tonight.  I am learning to dance.  (That is a metaphor in case you're wondering).

The Spirit is teaching me how to dance. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Kids to a certain age (5-6) don't know anything but truth, and then somewhere along the way they decide they need to protect themselves from getting in trouble and they try their hand at not telling the truth.

The funny thing is, you can tell when they aren't telling the truth.  Ever notice that people exhibit specific "signs" when they aren't telling the whole truth?  Yea, my kids used to ask me how I KNEW!

It was actually it was because they gave clear signals. 

The same is true of us.  We give clear signals when we are withholding information.  Often we don't lie, we just don't tell everything we know. 

I think Jesus told everything.  with a smile on his face.  always pointing us back to the Father. not concerned about how he looked or what people thought of Him.  It was always about God's love. 

The truth.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fun on the Journey

I was recently filling out a profile about myself and that involved deciding what it important to me.

For one particular question I was asked to list the five things that are most important to me. 

I did okay with the first 4, but when I got to the last one, I had three choices left.  Then, suddenly I realized it has "fun".  It wasn't my job or my home.  It was to have fun in my life.

What 5 things would you choose?  Would fun be one of them?  Is fun an important part of your journey? 

Don know bout you, but laughter can turn around any!

Monday, May 14, 2012

God IN Church

I love children.  I also love praying. 

Praying with children is an incredible experience.  What I've noticed is that children don't over-think prayer.  They believe because no-one has convinced then not to believe. 

God wants us to believe in what He wants to give us.  He loves it when we embrace all that He has for us. 

That's exactly what children do.

I remember when one of my sons was three years old and we went to visit a church.  At our church the pastor didn't wear a robe and at this church the pastor had a robe and the pulpit was lifted high on the platform.  I heard my son gasp and then he said, "'s God!" 

I tried to explain that it was the pastor, but he wouldn't hear of it.  Throughout the whole service he watched every move the pastor made, and his eyes were as big as saucers.  He hardly closed his mouth. 

From that day on, I think he was forever convinced that God lived in the church. 

He believed.  

It doesn't get more awesome than that. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Telling Truth

I remember talking to my kids a lot when they were small about "telling the truth".  There were times they would look at me like, "haven't we heard this 1000 times before?"

I know, I would think.  You're going to hear it again.

Today, my children are truth tellers.  Straight up.  Outright.  No hiding.  That's the way it is.

The 1000 + times paid off.

Telling the truth to God is important as well.  Sometimes, we don't want to face the truth of who we are and why we aren't trusting Him with our truth, our failures, our misgivings.

God knows anyway, sees our heart, and it blesses Him when we TELL Him the whole truth.

God patiently tells me...just come to me and tell me.  You are forgiven. 

100000000+ times.  You are forgiven.  Already.  Done. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Having but not Receiving

How can you have something you have not received?

Allow me to give you an example...

Take your story. Did you just breath?  Of course you did.  Even without thinking of it you do it.

You have air and you receive it, right?

Let's take food.  Y, ou can have it but not receive it.

Water.  You can have, but not receive.

What about God.

Can you have God but not receive?

Unfortunately, yes.  You always have God.  Always.  God is always present.  However, we don't always receive God. 

Your story will change if you receive more of what you already have. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

French Fries

Today I had to go do an errand during lunch (which was really dinner) and after my errand was done, I decided I was pretty hungry for something special. 

While they aren't the healthiest food on the planet, I was really hungry for something hot and seasoned, and curly.  I could almost smell them before they were in my hands.  I didn't eat many and I saved some for my friends back at work (bought three boxes). 

Before long everybody was munching on curly fries. 

What a simple joy.  Tasty.  Hot.  I love it that God have us cool tastebuds!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Greatest Act of Caring

The greatest act of caring the new Christians in the 1st Century gave was to care for the sick.  The plague was all around them, and the Romans would simply section off homes where the plague existed and leave people there to die.  Often, no one would care for them or feed them. 

The new Christians gained a reputation for going into their homes and giving a cup of water, some bread, cleaning their brows, and praying for their healing.  Interestingly enough, their reputation quickly spread..."oh how they love."  Many were healed. 

A simple act of caring became the greatest gift they could have offered. 

Others also noticed that many of the Christians did not catch the plague even though they were certainly sure they would. 

Others began to wonder what kind of power does this God Jesus have? 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Giving Tree

I love the book The Giving Tree  by Shel Silverstein because no matter what the boy does, the tree just keeps on giving.

John 15:5 says "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches". 

We receive from Jesus.

Your story connects to the vine.  As you connect to the vine, receive God's love and make that 'part' of your story. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

First Grief

The first time I lost someone I really loved I was 12 years old.  What was so difficult for me to understand is how it happened so quickly.  Without warning one warm Saturday morning my mom's dad showed up at our house and picked us up in his Rambler (what can I say, it was 1965).  What was weird about it is that my Grampa didn't ever come get us.  I didn't know why, but I don't remember asking questions.  I don't remember my big brother asking questions, either. I remember being confused and scared.  I didn't know why nobody would tell me what was going on.

After being at their house for a while, Gramma said Grampa was going to take us to my other Grandmother's house (my dad's mom).  When we got there my dad met us in the driveway and he told us his dad had a stroke that morning and he passed away.  I remember thinking, "that can't be!  It can't be true."  We just saw Grampa and he was fine.  He was 60 years old.  He wasn't old enough to die, especially suddenly without warning. I didn't even get to talk to him. My dad talked with us about Jesus being with us at this time. Before we went into the house he explained that his mom was really sad that Grampa was gone. 

From that moment on, everything changed.  Gramma cried all the time.  I cried too, mostly because I was confused.  I didn't understand how everything could be fine one moment and so sad the next. 

So it is with grief.  Whether you lose a job, a spouse, a parent, child, marriage,'s still the same.  One moment things seem okay and the next moment everything in your life is changed.

That first time of experiencing heart wrenching grief was a long time ago.  Looking back I realize that even though I didn't fully understand it, Jesus was right there with me.  I had gone to church all my life and Jesus was part of my life, but I didn't realize when we hurt, He hurts, too.

I had to learn that tears are part of life, and that eventually when the grieving is done we will remember fondly.  We will even be able to laugh again.  I do remember my Grampa fondly.  

Years later, my dad died when he was 60.  My daughter was 12.  She grieved terribly for her Grampa, and I grieved for my dad. I told my daughter that Jesus was with us.  By now I understood what that really means.  With...IN...around and through.  When we suffer, Jesus suffers with us, IN us, is all around us, and gets us through the nightmare. 

When we weep, Jesus is right there. 


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Not only does loving others make all the difference in the world, Jesus told his disciples in John 13:35 others would know we were his disciples by how we loved each other.

Love is contagious.  (aren't you drawn to people who love you?)

Love is portable (it will be part of you through eternity).

Love is powerful.  (it erases a multitude of mistakes).

Spend time drinking in God's love and pass it on to others.  It's the best gift you'll give!

Monday, April 30, 2012


Have you ever felt like something is about to happen that is really awesome?  

I've been having that feeling lately, and I've been praying about what God has for me. 

If you'd like to share your story of something awesome that God brought you, we'd love to hear it!

Expect a Miracle - Live in the Expectant Hope of Jesus - Love Boldly!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Together we Pray

There certainly is a time for Men and Woman to pray together (esp. marriages, families, small groups), but there's no substitute for Women regularly praying with and for other women and men praying with and for other men.

When women get together they talk their own language, in their own way.  Communication abounds.  Subjects shift back and forth and new ideas erupt all the time.  The same thing happens with prayer.  Women pray, just like they think. 

The Holy Spirit gets that, and utilizes their strength.

The same is true of men.  Men with other men speak their own language.  Fewer words, usually choosing a subject and staying with it until it's exhausted.  Then they move on to the next subject.  Men pray in the same way...just like they think.

The Holy Spirit gets that, and utilizes their strength.

Both are needed and important. 

It's also one of the biggest blessings God gives!

Thanks, God for making us different and giving us others that are like "us".

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Timeline of God's Love

Fifty years ago I thought Jesus was the most awesome friend I've ever had and I knew he loved me because I was special to him.

Forty years ago I thought Jesus was cool and hoped he loved me even when I was bad.

Thirty years ago I thought that God loved me only when I was truly penitent and prayed really hard for forgiveness. 

Twenty years ago I thought that God loved me and helped me to be truly penitent and pray hard for forgiveness.

Ten years ago I thought that God loved me but I didn't understand why there was suffering.

Today, because I've made mistakes, I learned that Jesus loves ME.  My mistakes are part of me.  I am human.  I've learned to live with my failures. 

Today, because I suffered, I learned that God suffered WITH me because he loves me. 

Today, God pursues me, pursues you...just wants you to receive His love. 

Stop long enough to receive His love.  Be yourself with God.  Let God suffer with you.

Know that He loves you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bad to Good

Isn't it strange that as time passes the worst of times often become the best of times?

When my kids were growing up, we had some doozie vacations!  It was almost as if anything that could go wrong, did.  We endured everything from a child being extremely ill, to being washed away in a tent, to a car catching on fire, to waking up completely frozen on the 4th of July! 

At the time I thought, "God can't we just have a normal vacation without any mishaps?"

As the years wore on though, the joke became, "what's going to happen this time?"

Know what else happened?

Those stories are the ones we tell over and over again and we laugh uncontrollably!

Turns out, the stuff I thought was a curse turned into the biggest blessing of all.  Those were the times that made us unique - family - connected.  We experienced those things together and we survived. 

Now, those are the very stories my kids tell to their kids.  Ironic, huh?
It's just like God to turn something bad into something very good!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hard Times

I've had my share of hard times, I suppose like about everyone else.  I've miscarried a child (not the same as losing a child, but difficult none the less).  I've not had much money but have always known where my next meal is coming from.  I've raised 4 teenagers.  Enough said there.

I've lost everything (my home, my friends, people who had been family, and my church) and I had to start over and re-built again.  I've had dreams crushed - smushed dead - and I after I felt so lost I didn't know what to do except cry for months.  Eventually I was able to stop crying and I told God "it's all yours". 

I've been gossiped about - persecuted - left out - and have been told I'm not forgiven when I tried to reconcile with someone. 

I've been so confused about what God wants me to do that I didn't know what to think.  I've wondered if I'll ever know.  I've prayed and prayed for years for different things and when the answer came it wasn't at all what I expected. 

I've been miserable in jobs and have had to leave (move away) from jobs I loved.  

Why am I telling you all this?  Well, it's because I can't stand it when people talk about how fabulous and fun the Christian life is.  They make it sound like fairy tale land.  I want you to know walking this narrow road is no fairy tale.  It's real life. 

I also want you to know that I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I want you to know that in the middle of all of my crushed dreams and losses, God has been right there with me...holding me.  God suffers with me.

I used to think when the author of  James talked about being joyful when trials come that I was supposed to suck it up and say, "Praise the Lord anyway." That never felt right to me.  It felt fake.

What I've learned (the hard way) is that God's not fake.  Jesus is real.  He understands suffering.  But, he also knows the resurrection.  What I've learned is that when I am in the middle of a trial it is God who raises me up.  It's God who holds onto me.  It's God who is faithful and because I've suffered, I know God in a deeper way.  I wouldn't trade that for anything. Ever.  I would go through every trial again (if need be) to be closer to God. 

He is my sustainer.  My shepherd.  My way.  Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Self-Control. 

I am not those things - HE is. 

Hard times are no picnic, but they are worth it because it's where Jesus holds you ever so close. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Heaven's Joy

Once when I was studying spiritual disciplines I did some research on the discipline of "joy".  I found a list of movie that explored the discipline of joy and I rented one of the movies on the list.

The movie, "Spit Fire Grill" was about a young girl who had just been released from prison and she showed up at the Spit Fire Grill because she needed a job.  This girl was rough, outspoken, crass, and she boldly loved everyone she met.  It didn't take long for her to change things at the Spit Fire Grill. 

I don't want to give away the whole story, but in the end she helped to make the dream of the Spit Fire Grill come true. 

After the movie was over I was confused and wondered why this movie was classified as 'joyful'. 

It took a while but I finally realized that joy often emerges AS we suffer.  When we break through our suffering (and stop focusing on ourselves) we find the joy of really loving and serving others. 

Before that can happen, we have to let go of our own agendas.  When we do that a miracle happens and we let God take over. 

It's the greatest "space" we can occupy.  That's where heaven steps into our everyday lives!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Story of Forgiving

I think the best story of forgiveness I've heard or read was from Corrie Ten Boom's book, Tramp for the Lord.

Corrie was in a concentration camp during World War II and one of the guards was brutal to her sister, who died in the concentration camp.

Years after in a meeting where Corrie was telling her story to an audience in Germany, at the end of the meeting the guard who had brutalized her sister came forward and extended his hand to Corrie.  She knew she could not forgive him, but she also knew that God had the power to give her what she needed to forgive.  She turned to God and in her heart yielded to Him and she agreed to forgive. In that moment she didn't want to forgive the guard but she agreed to forgive.

The truth is, forgiveness is not a's a choice.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Calling Us Back

The day I realized I have been looking at forgiveness backwards was a red letter day for me.

I was trying to write about forgiveness, and in the process I had to think about how God forgives me.  As I thought about it, I realized that it isn't about me being moral and realizing I sinned (that's what I've always believed). 

Instead sin happens when I turn from God, take my eyes off of what is holy and I turn away.  God is always pursuing me and wants me to turn to him.  When I look away, all I need to do is to turn back and run into Papa's arms again. 

Now, because I'm human God knows I'm going to turn away again and again, and He's always there urging me to turn back. 

With His love, he pursues me and desires that I would come back. 

Calling us...wooing us back.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fire Alarms

God knows that I am adventurous and visual, and that means that while I’m usually up for a challenge, I sometimes need object lessons with instructions.

Especially when it comes to listening.

Case in point: 

#1  Monday morning 4:19a fire alarm blaring.  I jumped up and at first I thought it was my smoke detector, but then I realized it was too loud.  Okay, so it’s the building alarm.  I threw on some clothes and thought, “If there really is a fire what should I grab?” 
I chose my laptop and my iphone.  Once outside I realized, “I forgot my ipad!”
After I’d been outside for a while I thought about all of the things I really should have grabbed…kids’ pictures and other family items.  “Obviously I should have made better choices…”
Several of my neighbors were already outside, but nobody knew what was going on.  Then we heard a fire trucks – then another.  The firemen checked everything and decided it was a okay now.  I got back inside and had just a few minutes to sit before I needed to get up.
Well, that was quite an adventure.  I got to talk to my neighbors, so that was cool.

#2  Tuesday morning 4:37a fire alarm blaring.  I opened my eyes, “Really?”  This time I peeked out and decided to wait to see if it was for real. 
I sat for a while (while the fire alarm was still blaring) and thought, “Is there something I am missing, God?”  I don’t think absolutely everything has a message, but this one seemed like it did. 
I thought about all the blessings this event contained.  The firemen who came to turn OFF the alarm, no real fire, the sprinklers didn’t go off (keeping my books safe), my warm house, my neighbors, and most of all the knowing that God was always there – everywhere – in me – through me – around me. 

One of my favorite authors is Brennen Manning,  from Furious Longing for God, Manning says:

Let me learn to listen, Lord,
not just with my ears,
but with my heart.

I long for that.  I want to listen with my heart to God and to others. 
I’m listening God…

Monday, April 16, 2012

Your Miracle

When is the last time you experienced the surprise of the gift of laughter and realized how healing it is?

Last week I was with a group of friends and we experienced the gift of laughter that came suddenly and unexpectedly.  What is so surprising about laughter is that it feels SO good.

True laughter that emerges in unexpected and unplanned ways can change attitudes which in turn can change actions which in turn can change the way we interact with each other.  While those magical moments can't be planned, we can seek them out and watch for God to step into our lives in miraculous ways. 

In John 14-16 Jesus repeatedly said we need to ask, and that God would answer when we ask in the name of Jesus.  Literally that means, in the Spirit with the character and nature of Jesus in mind.  Jesus was not saying God would answer if we asked Him to strike our neighbor's dog with lightening because he barks too much.  However, when we ask with the character and nature of Jesus in mind, God will answer. 

If you want the gift of laughter, real laughter that comes from sharing and caring, you can ask God to give you the miracle of laughter and He will answer. 


Additionally, God will laugh WITH you and will share in the gift. 

I would LOVE to hear how God responds to your request...others would love to hear!

Feel free to post your story of laughter - you can post anonymously - or you can sign your name.  Either way, true laughter is a miracle and we'd love to hear about YOUR miracle!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just a hint...

Remember what it was like when you were a kid and it seemed like you didn't ever get to do anything cool?

I really remember feeling that way because I was the "little sister" and I felt like I didn't get to do anything cool.  The problem was by the time I could do it, my big brother was doing stuff that was even cooler. 

I also remember thinking the coolest thing in the world would be to be grown up. 


Now, we look back and remember how cool it was to be a kid and not have so many responsibilities.  LOL

I think what I didn't know as a kid was that those early years with Jesus were special.  As a child I seized everything about Jesus with wild abandon. 

I thought Jesus was so cool!

I had a brief "encounter" with my youngest grandson last year just before he turned four years old.  He talked about God and Jesus and when he did his eyes sparkled and he smiled really big. 

Today, we carry with us what today brings, and what yesterday has given us.

Oh, and just a hint about tomorrow...

If you haven't experienced the joy of Jesus lately, look into the eyes of a child. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Letting Go

How do you rest in God?  

Easy, but sometimes, not so easy. 

God is clearly with us at all times.  He is in us and around us.  The difficulty lies in ourselves.  In order to receive God's rest we need to step away from our intrinsic responsibilities, our cultural ideaologies, and our expectations for ourselves.  In order to embrace God's rest we need to set aside all that we know and are comfortable with and step into the spiritual realm that we cannot see or touch. 

It's a little bit like stepping off of a cliff all the while knowing you don't know how to fly. 

We have to let go.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All Covered

I remember being told as a child, “how many times have we gone over this?”  I wasn’t the kind of child who intentionally did things I wasn’t supposed to do.  If I misbehaved, it was because I forgot I wasn’t supposed to do it. I used to feel really bad when I would forget.

 Now when I turn away from God, whether I get busy and forget or I just turn, I know it's covered.

What Christ did for us covers all of it: 
Intentional and Unintentional
Covert and Overt
Planned or Accidental

The reason doesn’t matter, because even before I do it, it’s covered.  All covered.

Monday, April 9, 2012

All things are Possible

I met a woman several years ago who spoke of her “hope” of heaven someday and her desire to meet Christ.  When I asked her if she knows Christ, she said she wasn’t sure she knows Him, but she would like to see him someday.

As we talked I told her she can know Christ now and she does not need to wait.  She seemed puzzled and she wondered how I could know that.  I explained that I know Jesus.  He is my friend and shepherd and has been with me for a number of years.  Puzzled, she asked how I can be so sure.  

I told her Christ is IN me and He will always be with me.  I told her she, too can know Christ by turning to Him.  I promised if she would only turn TO Jesus He would be there because he loves her and will not stop pursuing her.

When she left me, she said she would think about it.

I do not know what happened to the woman after that day.  I don’t know if she turned to Jesus that day.  I don’t know if a seed was planted that day, and at a later time it was harvested.

I only know that I prayed for her that day, that she would hear the Spirit calling her name.  I prayed she would desire to know Jesus and that she would experience eternal redemption. 

I don’t believe our meeting was an accident.  I don’t believe I created the prayer.  I do believe that Christ is in all things and all things are possible with God.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Life without Jesus....

 After Jesus spoke His last words, all was silent. 

This was not a silence you had heard before. 

It's the kind of deafening silence you hear before something is about to happen. 

Suddenly the earth begins to vibrate.

With a rumble and shake, an earthquake erupts and a storm sweeps overhead.

Flashes of lightening erupt from the sky and you are certain God is present and active.

Fear grips your heart and you run for shelter but you don't where to run to; nothing feels safe.

You remember the time when the fear of a storm overtook you...only then Jesus was there to calm the storm. 

Eventually the earthquake subsides and with a few others you gather at the home of a friend. 

You try to sort through what has happened, but it's too much for you to take in.

All you know if that you can't imagine life without Jesus.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jesus Knows

I remember the first time I was persecuted (shunned, treated differently, set apart) because of my faith.  It was an awful experience; one that I didn’t expect and wasn’t prepared to deal with. 

I was a freshman in college and I thought I was pretty cool stuff.  I had one roommate and 5 sweetmates and I was excited about meeting new people and making new friends.  I’ve never been shy, so I wasn’t worried about making new friends. I went to a large high school and was active in student politics. I was always looking for a "cause" to fight for, so I thought this was my newest great adventure.

The problem started when we shared our faith journey one night.  They talked about church and "having to go" because their parents made them go.  I didn't talk about church.  I talked about Jesus and His love.  I'll never forget them looking at me like I was some kind of freak.  

After that conversation everything changed.  It started with whispers and eventually became outright mocking.  Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep because they made fun of me.  I didn't know people could be so mean.  I'll never forget how they made me feel.  

One day (years later) I realized Jesus understood how I'd been treated because he was shunned, mocked, spit on, and set apart.  For Jesus, that was just the start.  

"On the night in which he was betrayed..."

One of Jesus' own disciples betrayed him.  Sold Him. Turned on Him. 

Jesus know what it feels like...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Calming the Storm

I went to the dentist this afternoon and was headed to Bible Study at church tonight, but I had a  little extra time so I stopped by my house for a few minutes.  I sat down and thought, "I'll close my eyes for just a minute" and the next thing I knew it was an hour and a half later.  I couldn't believe I fell asleep. Really fell asleep. Bible Study was well underway, and I knew by the time I got there it would be almost over, so I took the hint and rested. 

A lot of people tell me they sit down to pray and they end up falling asleep.  My advice to them is that God created rest for a reason.  If our body needs rest, we need to rest. 

In Luke 4:39 Jesus woke up and told the wind to "be still". 

Today I think I needed to let Jesus still my mind and heart.  How about you?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


The woman Mary who poured perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair (Luke7) is identified in John 11 as the sister of Lazarus who Jesus raised from the dead.  What's interesting is her story - the narrative of her faith life.

Jesus told his disciples (Luke 7) that Mary had been forgiven for many things and because of that she was very grateful.  She had a past she wasn't proud of but it didn't stop there. When she met Jesus everything changed. Jesus' love transformed her and she would never be the same again.

After she was transformed she wanted to be with Jesus, to sit at his feet.  Her story focused on being in relationship with Jesus and spending time with Him. 

As you consider your story, consider how Jesus has changed your life, today.  What about knowing Jesus changed your life today?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Deep Feelings

I think the first time I realized that when we say we are created in God’s image that means more than just physical appearance.  It also means God is relational, and so are we. 
We have feelings.
God has feelings…really strong feelings.

God's feelings are stronger, deeper, wider, and more passionate than we can begin to imagine.  It was His love that made creation happen. 
that's because God IS love.  God passionately loves you.  God cares about you.  God suffers with you.
Think of it this way, the passion Jesus suffered at the cross was because of His love for you.  Even without know you, before you were formed, Jesus loved you.

Have you ever asked God what he feels about YOU? 
Have you told God what you feel for HIM?