Monday, April 16, 2012

Your Miracle

When is the last time you experienced the surprise of the gift of laughter and realized how healing it is?

Last week I was with a group of friends and we experienced the gift of laughter that came suddenly and unexpectedly.  What is so surprising about laughter is that it feels SO good.

True laughter that emerges in unexpected and unplanned ways can change attitudes which in turn can change actions which in turn can change the way we interact with each other.  While those magical moments can't be planned, we can seek them out and watch for God to step into our lives in miraculous ways. 

In John 14-16 Jesus repeatedly said we need to ask, and that God would answer when we ask in the name of Jesus.  Literally that means, in the Spirit with the character and nature of Jesus in mind.  Jesus was not saying God would answer if we asked Him to strike our neighbor's dog with lightening because he barks too much.  However, when we ask with the character and nature of Jesus in mind, God will answer. 

If you want the gift of laughter, real laughter that comes from sharing and caring, you can ask God to give you the miracle of laughter and He will answer. 


Additionally, God will laugh WITH you and will share in the gift. 

I would LOVE to hear how God responds to your request...others would love to hear!

Feel free to post your story of laughter - you can post anonymously - or you can sign your name.  Either way, true laughter is a miracle and we'd love to hear about YOUR miracle!

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