Thursday, August 9, 2012

True Friends

Through the years my definition of true friendship has changed.

When I was in kindergarten someone was a true friend if they sat with me at lunch and didn't push me down on the playground.

By 6th grade someone was my true friend if they didn't make me hold a snake! (I had that happen, and right then and there I decided that was an important characteristic).

By 10th grade someone was my true friend if they didn't steal my boyfriend.

By college the measure of a true friend was that they didn't "rat" me out.

By the time I had kids someone was a true friend if they could tolerate my four kids (not an easy thing to do some days).

By the time I had several teenagers running around the house I considered someone to be a true friend if they consoled me for "having it out" with one of my teenagers and they didn't judge me.  (In other words, they understood I was at the end of my rope).

When I divorced I found out the measure of a true friend was someone who loved me even though I wasn't married, had lost my new 2200 square foot house, and had very little money in the bank (friends in those days were few and far between, but there were a few who remained true).


Now I consider someone to be a true friend if they love me and forgive me no matter what.  That means, when I make stupid decisions they love me.  When I screw up they forgive me.  When I fall apart they hold me.

The one thing that has remained is that the measure of a true friend is that they are faithful.  At different stages and in different ways, I needed someone who is faithful.

What I hope is that I have been that to many of you.

Thanks for being there and being who you are!

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