Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sweet Times

Whenever I read about the early church I realize how I long for that kind of fellowship.  Daily they prayed together, ate together, listened to the apostle’s teaching, and shared the Lord’s Supper. 
At the same time, I know they were faced with extreme hardships.  They were heavily persecuted and were not only disliked by the Romans, they were not well thought of by others.  The people of The Way had a hard road ahead and I know they survived because they learned how to depend on the Spirit and on each other.
I look at our culture and realize we struggle, too.  Everyone is busy.  Everyone I talk to says they are overloaded at work.  They want to be able to spend more time serving, but their obligation to ‘keeping’ their job does not allow for much free time.  What free time they do have is split between family, friends, and church. 
While we would all benefit greatly from spending time together with others in our church family, we are not able to meet with others daily. 
Gratefully, and gracefully, the wonder of God still shows up in the midst of our busy lives.  Today I went to a terrific meeting and was blessed beyond measure with fellowship and wisdom and caring. 
I WAS reminded that even though our lives are busy and we have many responsibilities, God blesses with the FREE right to meet with others who follow Jesus regularly.  I am so grateful for today’s meeting.  Their prayers remain in my heart.  Their wisdom resounds in my mind.  Their courage in the face of many fears strengthens me.
Meet together as often as you can and cherish those moments you have with the Spirit and soul-friends.   
Those times are ever so sweet

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. We live in a world that is constantly bombarded by false idols. These idols are constantly worshipped by the media and society. They are taught to us at a young age. The idols I'm talking about wealth, power, money, lust, and fame to name a few. With familys more distracted with the hardships to make a living, many let there kids be raised by TV and others. Christians values are portrayed weak.. "why give when you can take?".. "Why create when you can destroy?".... "Money is the real power not God!".... "Looks over personality and values"... "Popularity is judged by how many people you have slept with".. "why have love when you can have lust...???" This all makes me sick to even turn on the TV. I do admire one thing that they had that we don't.. they had a better family structure to instill correct values and not blasted constantly by the lure of sin by the media.

    Just got done eating with my Bible group tonight. I thank God always for the blessings in my life and the people that are in it. Learning, praying, crying, and confessing with them is true wealth.
