Thursday, February 2, 2012

How Does God Speak?

According to Elijah in I Kings 19 it was not in the windstorm, or the earthquake, or the fire, but it was with a gentle whisper.

Know what the problem with that is?  You have to turn off the noise long enough to clear your head of the endless noise.  You have to quiet your mind and your heart.


Sometimes lots of silence.

Getting to know God.

Reading scripture in silence.

And then, you will hear the gentle whisper of God.


  1. Thanks Deb. My nephew just asked me this very question. He actually wanted to know how he can know what God's will is for him. I would love to know what you would tell him. Thank you...and blessings.

  2. Great question, and thank you for asking it! That question has many parts (and was on my list to share). For the next several posts I'm going to talk about some specific people in scripture and how God spoke to them about His will for their lives. Stay tuned...there's more to come, and by all means ask more questions. That's what Spiritual Direction is about...opening space so we can learn more about God.
