Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Thing: Pain to Gain

If I’ve learned one thing it’s that after a time of pain, there is gain.  While I don’t look forward to the growing pains, I do like growing closer to God so I’ve decided it’s worth it.  I used to run from the pain, but I don’t run quite so much anymore.  

I learned a lot from reading about Joseph in Genesis.  

I mean he was his father’s favorite and he seemed to flaunt that to his brothers.  His dream about his brothers bowing down to him was probably the “straw that broke the camel’s back”.  They got ticked and threw him into a whole so deep he couldn’t get out.  Then they decided to pull him out so they could sell him as a slave.  Talk about brotherly love!!!

I Egypt Joseph was set up, imprisoned, jerked around, and manipulated.  Through all of that I think what would have hurt the most is that his own brothers did this to him.  That would be hard to swallow.  Joseph made the most of the situation and God blessed him.  He rose to a position of power and eventually his brothers did bow down to him.  

None of that was a surprise to God.  Whether you believe God caused it or made the most of a bad situation, the truth of the matter is that Joseph became the man of the hour for his brothers and his father.  

Through a lot of pain and heartache, God changed Joseph and brought something very good from something very bad.
God amazingly has a way of turning pain to gain.  If you are in pain  – forgive and ask for forgiveness (if that is what brought on the pain).  Mostly, release it to God and ask Him to bring good from your pain.  You may not see it immediately, but eventually you will see the gain.  I am sure of that one thing. 

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