Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tires and Tests

I have a “thing” about tires.  The problem I have with tires has been going on for several decades and still plagues me today.  My latest episode with tires started last week when I pulled out of my garage to go to work.  A warning indicator light came on in my new car.  I got out the manual to see what this light was telling me and you’ll never guess what it was…tires!  The light was telling me I have a problem with my tires.  You’re kidding, I thought!  I got out and looked at the tires and they looked okay, so I drove to work. 

After work I went to the gas station, got out my tire guage and checked the tires.  Sure enough, they were a little low on air so I put air in them.  I got in the car and the light was still on.  Great. 

What was really frustrating is that I constantly had trouble with the tires on my old car.  At one point I bought new tires and that didn’t seem to matter.  I still kept having to put air in them. 

When my son-in-law heard about my new tire problem, he laughed and said, “What’s with you and the tires?”  Dunno. 

I thought about all the tires I’ve replaced through the years (there were several I replaced when I was 16.)  Turns out I had a problem with going over curbs instead of around them, so I had to reconfigure my range.  Even when I fixed that, my problem with tires still persisted through the years.

I have the same problem taking tests.  I’ve never been good at taking tests…ever.  I can know the material perfectly and when I start the test my brain just shuts down.  I freak out and forget everything. 

What do tires and tests have to do with Advent you might be wondering? 

Tires and tests are two of my persistent problems.  No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to get away from this “thing” I have going on.

Deep down I think my “thing” about tires and tests comes from my expectancy.  I expect it to happen and it does. 

It’s the same with Advent.  I expect a miracle.  I expect God to speak to my heart.  I expect the Spirit to touch me in a way I’ve never been touched before.  Even when I’m not ready for all that Christmas brings – food, singing, presents, and festivities – I always expect God to show up. 

Know what? I’ve never been disappointed.  What is incredible is that it never happens like I expect and it never comes the same way twice.  Sometimes it’s loud and booming and at other times it’s as quiet as a whisper.  All I know is that God shows up in the most unexpected ways. He always has, for as far back as I can remember. God shows up. 

I am excited about where God is going to show up during this season.  I can’t wait! 

So, what about you? What do you expect? 

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