Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mechanics of Life

The mechanics, as in methods, procedures, or details of our social order dictate many of our daily practices.  It’s not necessarily that we want them to, but as we go about our days, many of our practices are driven by our habits. 

Robert Fulghum’s Credo (2003) in All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, states:

I believe imagination is stronger than knowledge –
That myth is more potent than history –
That dreams are more powerful than facts –
That hope always triumphs over experience –
That laughter is the only cure for grief.
And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Our methods, procedures, and details that drive our habits don’t usually embrace imagination.  The procedures we live out don’t see the importance in myth.  As we embark on our everyday journeys we don’t admit the power of our dreams, and we do not believe that hope is a driving force.  The methods we practice don’t understand the power of laughter and we don’t fully practice love that is so readily available to the human heart. 

Most days, my life is filled with busy work, obligation, necessity, and survival.  When I read (re-read) this credo recently I was reminded that God intended the human mind and heart for much more than a trip through a maze filled with facts and figures that would end in grief and death.  God’s desire is that we would live life to the fullest (John 10:10) filled with imagination, hope, laughter, and love. 

Tomorrow, carry those with you as you embark on your journey.  Laugh, love, dream, imagine, and hope beyond your capabilities.  God’s desire for you is to live fully IN Him and enjoy the ride.  Life is a journey…laugh heartily, love freely, dream God’s dreams, imagine you can be what God intended, and most of all put your hope in Jesus.  That’s what makes it worth the ride.

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