Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Unexpected Turn of Events: Part III

Luke 1:21-25

As Zechariah was inside the Temple with the Angel Gabriel (remember where Gabriel said to Zechariah, “I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news!”), there were people outside waiting for Zechariah to come out.  Zechariah was in there a lot longer than usual and the people in the outer court started to wonder why it was taking Zechariah so long.

Eventually when Zechariah did come out he wasn’t able to speak so he wasn’t able to tell them what had happened in the Temple.  Because of the way he was acting and gesturing they knew something significant happened.  They also knew he wasn’t able to talk and because of all of that they were pretty sure he had seen a vision.  They did not know the Angel Gabriel had delivered a message to Zechariah telling him he was about to be a dad. 
After Zechariah’s time of serving in the Temple was over he went back home to his wife Elizabeth.  Just as the Angel told him, Elizabeth became pregnant.  Elizabeth didn’t announce it to anyone for quite a while and for 5 months she stayed in seclusion.  It seems like that time of seclusion gave her time to ponder what God was doing.  

Then, just as the Angel promised, John (the Baptist) was born and he was chosen to pave the way for Jesus.  Everything the Angel promised came to pass. 

Elizabeth and Zechariah prayed and waited and God answered in a mighty way, but not at all like they expected! 

Elizabeth had hoped for this moment all her life.  Hebrew women who were childless lived in disgraced.  In Luke 1:25 Elizabeth said, “How kind the Lord is!” she exclaimed. “He has taken away my disgrace of having no children.”

Little did Elizabeth know that the child she was carrying would proclaim the coming of the Messiah. The Angel Gabriel knew that John was a very special child and that Elizabeth and Zechariah were hand-picked to be his parents.  

God knew all along. Every time Zechariah prayed and Elizabeth cried and hoped for a child God knew they were chosen to be John’s parents. 

Just as Zechariah and Elizabeth were chosen, so are we all.  God chose them, and God chooses you.  

God chooses to love you and walk with you on your journey.  God hand-picked you and created you to be exactly who you are.  God delights in you.  Today, receive His love and invite God to guide you on your journey.  

One thing is certain, God has something very special in mind for you…maybe even an unexpected turn of events!

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