Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Unexpected Turn of Events: Part II

So, the man who had the request was about to find out God was about to answer in a mighty way!  

The angel told the man his wife WAS going to have a baby.  The man thought, NO WAY!  He told the man it would be wonderful and that God had very special plans for their son. 

The man couldn’t believe what he was hearing!   

This was what he said to the angel in Luke 1: 18-19:

 “How can I be sure this will happen? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.” Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news!”

Next, the angel told the man that because he didn’t believe him, he would be silent until the child was born.  Then the angel promised him again that what he said WAS true and would happen and the angel left.  

Sure enough, the man was not able to speak.  He went outside and tried to tell his friends what had happened but he wasn’t able to speak.  

What an unexpected turn of events!  When Zechariah in Luke 1 walked into the Temple that day he NEVER expected God would send an angel who would tell him his life was about to dramatically change!  For years Zechariah prayed that his wife would have a child, but it didn’t happen and they came to accept how their lives turned out.  

Now, the angel told him God heard his prayer.  In Zechariah’s mind it was not possible because they were very old.  But because God IS God (the I AM), of course it was possible.  God knew all along that Elizabeth would have a son and they would name him John.  He would have a cousin named Jesus, and John would pave the way for Jesus’ work on earth. 
The truth is that God had been preparing Zechariah and Elizabeth for this event all their lives and this was the perfect time for God to fulfill his plan.  Zechariah and Elizabeth waited for years and in God’s perfect time He answered.  

This was NOT a mistake…it was all part of God’s perfect plan! God’s timing and plans are always perfect.  Often we wait and think God hasn’t heard or just isn’t going to answer, but that isn’t the case.  God DOES hear and in His perfect time He will fulfill His plan.  God’s plan may not be your plan and it may not turn out like you expected, but it will be wonderful and it will be perfect!  It will be worth the wait.

Have you ever waited for something?  Have you waited a long time?  It can be very discouraging and many times we give up and accept things as they are.  That’s what Zechariah did.  He couldn’t believe his wife would have a child because it didn't make sense at their age.

What is key about waiting is to listen to what God is saying.  God may say no.  God could also be saying yes but not yet.  

As you wait, listen to what God is saying, then believe. 

Trust that God will do what He promised!

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