Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In the Eye of the Hurricane

I remember a time when I didn’t get a lot of rest (spiritually and physically).  I think that’s why I have a huge heart for people who have a lot of responsibilities that keep them very busy.
When I was younger, my four children kept me hopping all the time…especially the boys.  My daughter is the oldest and she was a huge help, but there were two of us and three of them so we were still outnumbered.
So, here’s the thing about my sons – they are all very good at creating strategies and coming up with new ideas.  : )  We always knew if they were quiet, they were “up to” something.  When I found them I would usually say, “you are making what?”  I was usually astounded by their creativity. 
People used to ask me if I had 6 or 7 children.  “No,” I would reply, just four.  Then I would add, “three of them move around a lot and it just seems like there are more kids.”
I had to learn how to rest IN the eye of the hurricane. 
Often, that’s true of most of us.  Today, no matter what you have going on, you can rest in the hope that the Lord is WITH you, He is FOR you, and IN you. 
Be Blessed that we are given HOPE even in the eye of the hurricane!

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