Tuesday, July 31, 2012


In Philippians 3:9 (The Message) Paul refers to "robust righteousness" and he reminds us that relying on God is very different from relying on the world. There's absolutely nothing wimpy about relying on God! That's because when we rely on God's rightness we are relying on the full panoramic view of the Universe and not on our view that stops at the horizon.

God's plan for you is robust and full. God's greatest desire is that you would be restored to Him, fully alive and fully absorbed in His righteousness.

Abundant. Full of His love. Satisfied and at peace. Robust.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Who Made God?

One of my sons, when he was a young pre-schooler continually asked the same question day in and day out.  At the time I remembered thinking, "just give it a rest".  I was frustrated because I didn't know how to answer him.

His question?   Who made God.

Who made God?  Mom, Who Made God?  Who MADE God?  Who made GOD?  WHO made God?

It took years of experience (and Seminary) for me to be able to answer the question.  Who made God?

And the answer?  No one and nothing, all and everything, from beginning or end, God's love continuously creates, restores, and desires to draw creation toward His love.  Only God creates, through the Son and by the power of His Spirit.

I AM. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

One Sweet Journey

I got to spend the day yesterday with all of my grandkids...what a treat that was!  I love watching them play with each other, talk to each other, and just have fun!

It reminded me that each moment is a blessing!

Laughter is a gift!

Life is one sweet journey...

Monday, July 2, 2012

God is always there...

We all have days when it’s really easy to talk to God (what the Irish call ‘thin spaces’) and other days when it seems really difficult.
I used to think God was more open to me some days than others.  I’ve learn that is not the case.  I am the one who gets ‘sludgy’.  The cause is usually caused by:
Lack of forgiveness on my part
Self-centeredness on my part

That’s not to say our relationship with God is dependent on my actions – my relationship remains in tack and solid.  The only difference is my ability to hear God. 
God is always there.
Always nearer than you think.
Always acting on your behalf. 

God does not force you to hear – you (we) are given grace even in through non-hearing.
Either way you look at it, grace is yours.